Archiv für den Monat: Oktober 2024
TIPP! Symposium
The Female Impact Symposium
Building on the groundbreaking work of the late 1990s and the steady progress in cataloguing the output of women artists, the study of women and gender in 17th-century Dutch art is now flourishing. Women are no longer overlooked; they are now a vital part of conference programs, surveys of Dutch and Flemish art, and museum displays of the Dutch Republic’s artistic heritage. Significant strides have been made in understanding the roles women played in art and how these roles evolved throughout their lifetimes. The study of women and gender is now central to the discourse on Dutch art, broadening and enriching our understanding of art production and consumption in this period. Consequently, our view of the art production and consumption of the time, as well as its academic study have become more inclusive, nuanced, and vibrant. Women were, and always have been, everywhere. This raises the question: where to from here?
More information here: Link
30.06.-01.07.2025 | The Trippenhuis Building | Amsterdam