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Women in Art & Tech

Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags 2024 interviewte Erin-Atlanta Argun für die Plattform MyArtBroker fünf Frauen, die an der Schnittstelle von Kunst und Technologie Pionierinnenarbeit leisten.

In dem auf MyArtBroker erschienenen Artikel beantworten Carina Popovici (CEO der Plattform Art Recognition), Kerstin Gold (Mitbegründerin des ART+TECH Reports und Strategieberaterin für den Kunstmarkt), Bernadine Bröcker Weider (CEO der Plattform ARCUAL), Kristen Yraola (Digital-First-Marketingexpertin) sowie Charlotte Stewart (Geschäftsführerin von MyArtBroker) sechs Fragen zu der Rolle von Frauen im Kunstmarkt, den Hindernissen und Herausforderungen, die sie überwinden mussten und ihren Strategien, um sich in den männlich dominierten Feldern von Kunst und Technologie zu behaupten.

Auf die Frage, welche Veränderungen sie für Frauen auf dem Kunstmarkt im Laufe ihrer Karrieren beobachten konnten, antworteten die Akteurinnen:

„[…] during the past 15 years, I have observed a very strong positive shift. Women are assuming increasingly higher leadership roles in big art institutions, and there is a wider appreciation of women’s work more broadly.“ – Carina Popovici

„I believe we are at the beginning of a transformative shift in the professional landscape for women in the art market. Initially, the industry had a significant gender imbalance, with few opportunities for women to truly advance. However, we are currently witnessing a notable shift towards greater inclusivity and recognition of female talent in the art market, with more women taking on key roles ranging from curation and gallery management to auction houses and founders of ArtTech start-ups.“ – Kerstin Gold

„The reality is that women largely run the artworld. Around 65 % of it, according to estimated figures shared recently by AWITA. And yet there is a large historic disparity in terms of women in positions of leadership, and in salaries for men and women.“ – Bernadine Bröcker Weider

Die größten Hindernisse konnten die Akteurinnen mit folgenden Strategien überwinden:

„[…] I did face some ‘man-splaining’ when I first arrived at Christie’s from more technical counter-parts on other teams. Because I was more seasoned and comfortable in speaking my opinions, I was rather direct with them not having to dumb down language for my sake. I don’t know that I would have been able to do that if I were 10-12 years younger.“ – Kristen Yraola

„Preconceptions about gender, particularly in the workplace, can limit everything – creativity, personal development, and ultimately, a company’s success. Overcoming these by empowering everyone to have a voice and feel able to contribute, is so important.“ – Bernadine Bröcker Weider

„Being a woman in a domain often dominated by male networks and operating within closed systems presents its own set of challenges. As a result, active investing and participation in networks and communities of female experts has always provided me with significant support and empowerment. Finally, if you want to make an impact, you need to have a voice. And, in order to amplify the voices of women in the field, we must raise our own visibility, which may sometimes require us to step outside of our comfort zones.“ – Kerstin Gold

Alle Antworten auf die sechs Fragen sind in den vollständigen Interviews kostenlos unter diesem Link einsehbar.